— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The grandmother.

On the dawn of my foggy youth, I rented a room in a three-bedroom apartment. Two rooms in the apartment belonged to the same family. They were leased. One I took off. The other was rented by a pretty nice graduate girl. There was a grandmother in the third. It was her room. It was obtained by the displacement of the enormous Peter's communal in the center. The owners of the rented rooms put the condition that the tenants must make a temporary check-in in their rooms - the grandmother always called the grounds. The one with a tired face checked the ticket and rolled off, telling his grandmother that everything was under the law. My grandmother then declared a formal war. Demonstratively hanged for a few days his Moher trussels in the bathroom. And to the words that everything was already dry, she replied that she was better to know about her underwear... And just for the little things she often packed. Only the reverse inclusion of the plate under the cooling bowl was worth it! I had to throw out the burned food a few times. The graduate student stayed five or six hours without dinner.

Or another case.
As it turned out, the grandmother specially washed the drying clothes. The neighboring girl dried her shirts and the like over the bathroom after washing. I was surprised that my clothes didn’t dry up in the morning. I once struck my grandmother in the bathroom early in the morning. She sprinkled the girl's strict costume out of the sprayer. The girl wakes up in an hour and runs to pre-defense, and here's such a scam! Joke with Grandma. He stumbled and awoke the girl. The shock is, “Don’t go to pre-protection in jeans, oh my god!” I borrowed her clothes to dry up. The girl's "main" straw just burned out of the constant grinding of wet things. The other was so small, straight like a toy. Fortunately, that time the grandmother only had time to splash water on one sleeve - the neighbor had time to defend herself. As a neighbor girl told me after that incident, the grandmother even stole foods from the refrigerator in the kitchen. The owners of the rented rooms provided it for tenants. I had my little refrigerator in the room – so I wasn’t aware. Here is a graduate student - she initially thought that everything, pipec, glukes started from intense study.

After the incident with the clothes, he asked his grandmother:
Fuck, are you doing all that?
So that you go away quickly!! to
The owners will find new tenants. What is the difference?
They will find. But while they are looking for it, I will live alone in the apartment! Six months a year, when I live here alone as a hostess!! to

I tried to talk to my grandmother’s mother. Explain to them that both I and my neighbor are normal guys. No need to fight with us. My grandmother’s mother spoke to me:
We believe you. On the backdrop of our grandmother – except that Chikatilo will be a bad neighbor. We can’t help, we come here once a month. Just check if everything is okay. We try to catch a moment until it is gone.
What’s the difference if it’s not a secret? Why come then at all?
My daughter gave me the room. We’re waiting for you, and it’s better for you to leave. She will not give you life. You know... The first tenants of these two neighboring rooms were ourselves. Immediately after she came in. I wanted to be closer to her. To help if anything. Two months later, I could not stand it. We are renting an apartment nearby.
Fuck yourself!
It is about.

It ended simply. I got tired and I rented a two-bedroom apartment. And he fell there, capturing a cute graduate student as a military trophy. And in the freed rooms, next to the grandmothers, the owners instilled a family of Azerbaijanis. They were issued a temporary license. Should I say that it was I who brought them with the masters? and Dick! Very decent people, by the way, appeared. Even traded in the market. They went there with the whole family. Including an oracle of bats and loud-going boys. Yes, and the mother of the family was rarely whispering, sluggish and hysterical. Why, however, decent people, you want to ask? Because the head of the family honestly paid me a solid commission at the time. A good choice for them. To be honest, I didn’t really expect it. He received moral satisfaction. It helped good people. The owners of the two rooms were very good people. They are tired of constantly looking for new tenants. And endless trips with multi-hour rounds at the passport table - on temporary check-in for new residents. And then suddenly found very stress-resistant tenants. Who, having learned about a free temporary check-in for them, immediately concluded a contract and paid rent for a few months in advance. In addition, the location for new guests turned out to be very convenient – from their market in two steps. The rent at the time was very low. Exactly because of the babysitter.

Grandma, rejoicing that she again for some time remains living alone in the apartment, I didn't break when I left. He just crossed and almost honestly said:
God let you live longer! Take care of yourself!! to

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