— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Our organization is large and mainly female. Among the few men there is a kind of Misha, very polite and diplomatic in personal communication, but unrestricted in off-site assessment of both people and situations. Misha performs control and verification functions, and his favourite "sheep foolish!", characterizing a colleague who sent by mail the next "curve" report, is regularly distributed across the office. The female colleagues sitting in the same office are silent.
But recently, a young and modern Anetka was placed in the office, impregnated with ideas of feminism. Her characteristic Mishin shout came abruptly unlikely, and after the next "tuporous sheep" she took a firm step to Mishin's table and began to report to the guy, saying, "you don't call men so, and all this is misogyny" and so on. Misha responded guiltyly and fully agreed that it was not good to say so. In the middle of Anetchkin’s speech, Misha receives another report on the mail, this time from a male colleague. Misha, continuing to sneeze, looks into the report, grumbles, cries "Baran stupid!" and breaks the phone:
Vladimir Nikolaevich, where did you get this information? We talked this morning...
Annie stared confused at Misha. The female colleagues sitting in the same office are silent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna