— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A native of the entertainment industry, services and advertising. Go to the factory in three shifts for a penny. To raise agriculture. And the men themselves flatter with flags, will meet with a smile at the trap, and advertise expensive sweaters and cosmetics.

Do not rush too hard, otherwise you will break away. If an alien read this, he would be very surprised: “How, of your 7 billion, the good (and beautiful) half of the population is employed in the entertainment industry? 3.5 billion produce nothing but a pleasant impression, and at the same time no one is hungry?You are not an alien. Talk somehow with a aunt who launches asphalt on the street, or with aunt-fueller on a gas station. You too will be surprised: they went to this hard and harmful work for money. So why would they not meet someone with a smile at the trap or advertise expensive pieces there? Probably they just don’t want. Like the rest of the female population of the planet Earth, except for the power of several hundred thousand walking bouquets.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna