— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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But it is just in the sport that boundaries are explored, although in narrow areas. And many professions (for example, programmers) require a significant deviation from the average in abilities. Women are just less likely to have a sufficient level of such deviation. From the difference in hormonal balance still can not escape.

I work in a large programming office. I look at the reports - and exactly as in science - the smartest and the dumbest - men. Women are less extreme. But the average level is absolutely not dependent on gender. Women generally issue a more stable working product, but yes, fewer star decisions.
What is the result of physiology here, and what - education, the influence of society and the conditions of life (mothers after work still have to bump their ass and borscht to cook in a mandatory manner, or even a piece of nursing) - I will not take. You don’t take it for the case, eh?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna