— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ]
HH: That is something else. I saw yesterday
Sitting on the train, touched
xxx: in the neighboring compartment of the placard grandma and girl 17 years old
After 10 minutes, the grandmother helped the girl with the phone, how to turn the internet on it
HH: Or she was given to use, and she has not mastered yet.
by : 0
xxh: tried both in this sensor, realized that the internet is already on
We just walked into the city.
Here the grandmother gives
XHH: "So where is my favorite YouTube?"
by : 000
I tried again, found
Hera se babky šli
Don’t be in a hurry, guess what’s next.
My grandmother asked where is Insta?
Oh yeah no, no no. The girl took the spikes and began to tie the shirt. Probably a shark.
Q: Are you alive there?
I am afraid to live in this world.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna