— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once, when I was on duty at the headquarters, I was on duty at the police station. From each company when serving on the switch, arrangements are transmitted, such as who is daytime, who is on duty. I recorded all the information in the journal and sat down on the ballad. Replacement for today. I stretch out to him the journal, he looks, on a table in three companies (and we have five of them) Rabshana and Jamshuta. Go up. I free him the space behind the switch, he raises the telephone, presses the call of one of his mouths. After the day-to-day response, something like a day-to-day tube button looks! Quietly speaking to the telephone -I'm your mom and ball, and it includes a loud communication. Dnevalny does not know that this is a police officer, he begins to react with a selective mat and his own and Russian and promises of punishment, up to murder. Zampolit quickly connects the second company. The second daytime raises the tube, and from there, the matts, and even with threats. He begins to scream in response. Zampolit quickly incorporates the following company. We listen to an incredible scandal on the air, and we mourn with laughter. I would never have imagined that our police would be such a joke.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna