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Quote Message by Chester_sk8 View Message
You can still take your wife, children, fireplaces, saucers and go down the mountain =) you scroll down, back running. The training and training ;)
When I was young and stupid, my father’s words seemed to me so heretical. Why do you have those bugs in the basement? Gloves and turnips are enough. Hope in Bratislava, Skiff in Fashion, Musculus, wherever it is. Why do you have this protein in pills, which interferes with strawberries, but still blows hunting. Dad is shy. Dad is stupid. Neither does Flex read, nor does Maskle and Fitness. As for the base. Dorian Yates is. Large weight, small number of repetitions. Not to mention methane and retabolil, which will also help. The weight grew and the mass grew. The Astenic. Now I understand the mass. Do you want to grow to 90 at 20? At 40 you will be 120 and rejoice you will not be This is not about me, about the older comrades who took the piedestal on the city powerlifting, and now can not lift the package from the tape more than 5 kg because of the hernia of the vertebrae, there was a time, dreamed of 70 ti, now the upper shoulder swells visually from ten pressures. Pussy from the holidays. And I want ease in the tournament, speed and health. I put an aerobic load. It is stupid to go stupid. It's more useful than buzzing, but I would gladly advise everyone about the type of boxing for health. Gants and turnips. and run. It would be small to report it. They are the smartest, but the dads are the stupidest.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna