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The story of 32-year-old Ahmed, who lives on an allowance issued for six of his children and two wives, is becoming popular on the web. Consider, the dream of the mercenary from Syria safely fulfilled in Germany.
German media for the second day discusses the story of a 32-year-old Syrian refugee named Ahmed, who lives with his whole family in a large house provided by the government. The man is not ashamed to tell reporters about his luck:
Ahmed told reporters that he was very grateful to Angela Merkel, who literally embodied his dream: he lives in a well-maintained and safe European country with his entire family on the money allocated by the state. “She is the only person who sincerely felt the suffering of the Syrians. I also thank all the Germans for their compassion for my people.”
In addition to the fact that the man does not work, the German indignation is caused by the presence of two wives: Ahmed was allowed to transport his second wife to the country, although polygamy is prohibited in Germany. Syrians can attend free language courses and are offered opportunities for employment. But a man does not even think about working: the benefits allocated to a large family are enough to live for his pleasure. In his homeland, Ahmed worked as an unskilled worker, and he is also illiterate.
Interestingly, his second wife married when she was only 13, which is also prohibited by German law and cannot be legitimate. My first wife at the time of marriage was 14 years old. Ahmed calls himself a faithful Muslim and refers to the norms of Sharia.
Of course, there is no charge for the house: everything is free. Of the additional slits - a fireplace and a large flat TV. Ahmed told reporters he wanted four wives and ten children.
When uncomfortable questions became too many, officials referred to the interests of minors, explaining that asylum was granted in accordance with all the rules. Activists are trying to file a lawsuit against the district authorities for propagating polygamy.
In the comments, the Germans estimated the maintenance of one such family at 7000 euros a month, which is not in the normal logic. The indignants write that this can be achieved by working up to 70: “Medical insurance, dental protheses, housing, bus and pass, international driver’s licenses, free Wi-Fi and all this for free! The main requirement is that you are not a German!!!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna