— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Home Economy
Managing a house, if you live alone, is extremely simple. If you spend 15 minutes cleaning every morning (optional) with music, then you’re always in order at home. If you spend half an hour a day (and this is a little, especially for music/radio) - you walk every day in tight clothes and loaded shoes. Fast food is now a wagon and a small cart: eggs; cabbage, which was poured into the water and left until the timer called; pasta with various sauces, etc. If you combine such lazy cooking and cleaning, then the time expenditure is quite minimal, and the exhaust is stable and always delightful. (Toilet, by the way, do not need to wash at all - pour for the night "Domestos", and in the morning the point is white).
Another thing is when you live with someone. Here all kinds of things begin, and do me something, and why did you not do this, and was it hard to guess how to do it, and where are my cowards (how do you not know it?).And the care of the home becomes a heavy duty. The only way out, but also not a panacea, is to strictly delineate the spheres of responsibility and accept the imperfection of the world.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna