— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Late in the evening, the friends of the institute drank vodka on the sporting field. There is a patrol station:
What are you doing? Do you drink alcohol?
“No, we’re doing sports,” Serega replied, having time to hide the bottle.
From Waikiki:
Are you going to get ten?
Let’s argue, who is more?
The first police officer raced fourteen times.
by Serena Slavić:
You are the deadest, be the first.
Slavik did not get offended, went on to the tournament and started...
Where the count exceeded twenty, and Slavik had no shadow of fatigue, the menta looked around and said:
– Okay, do it, – we sat in the car and left.
Slavik at the time was the KMS in sports gymnastics.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna