— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I regularly read the local news site with users’ comments. Of course, sometimes I also comment on the news. I had to receive responsive comments such as "you are terrible", "you don’t have a man","go to the kitchen" and other humility of nearby comrades trying to devalue someone else’s opinion. I started writing under a male nick. I write the same thing on the same topics. Where are the answers like "you are poor", "you have no sex", "go to make money"? And not them! This is the first time that they were named "the sub-bullist," when she punished a man for a shame against the unknown heroine of the post. So what? Who said there that "in Russia equality, what else do you need"? Just try subscribing to forums not "Sasha", but "Masha", and enjoy the tons of shit that devalues you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna