— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Clelia: Once, in the distant past, when I was still studying at the university, I encountered a very funny guy. The philosophy was as follows: if a girl on the first (and subsequent) dates orders anything other than a cup of tea, then she is a MERCANTILE STERVE WHO WILL EAT FOR ME. When (without knowing about his wonderful quality) I ordered myself a bunch of snacks and eaten calmly, he looked at me with the sight of the hungry child, whom I struck the last. When they brought the bill, I got my wallet to pay for my portion of the order. Vynosch swelled like a duck, but he didn’t bother. But then, on the way back, he whispered that I first ordered too much, and this humiliated him, and then again humiliated him when I paid my share of the bill, and now I humiliate even more, that I don’t want to apologize, but just crack.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna