— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was years ago when “fast dating” came into fashion – a format where a man of 20 men and women, equally, in a cafe communicate each with each other in a circle. for a few minutes. Then the signal changes. (For those who do not know)

I just divorced and a friend invited me to such an event so that I could "go away".

The first lady, I fell clearly "non-formate" for this event - she is over 40, and it is stated that girls up to 28. Men up to 31. (I was then a little less than 30, and my peer-to-peer friend looked like a student-income.)

We talked and obviously did not interest each other.

Next, by the signal, at the table to this lady sat my friend.

After another signal to the transplant, an unknown guy sits on my seat. I look through the eyes of my friend, he is not there.

After the event ends, I start calling a friend. He only answers the next day.

Friend, have you broken up? Called and dropped...

– You know, I sat down at the table with that Oksana... Well, that adult... Well, they didn’t even start talking. She takes my hand and says, “Let’s get out of here? Would we sit quietly in a cafe? Or you can go to me right away..." And while I was thinking for a few seconds, she moved me over the table a hundred backs... a hundred backs! And I look like she is so cute and cute. That straight “Mom Stiffler” is resting... And you know... It was probably my best night... And a hundred bucks and a hundred bucks in Africa.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna