— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the previous place of work was purchased painting robot Fanuck. With optical vision, everything is right.

At the first launch, he ignored the objects hanging in front of him and painted his outlet. We shouted at the adjustable and forced him to wash off the same drawer.

A week later, the bourgeois machine painted the outlet twice in one day. It became clear that the robot preferred red shades.

Pepper was called from technical support. An adult man came, grabbed in the program and said that the extract would be ignored.

The robot was of a different opinion. A week later, the extraction was covered with monstrous polyurethane stalactites. We walked and kept silent. The manager wrote a statement with the work.

Then, during the fire protection processing of the products, the robot saw a local cat named Cat. The animal was treated and acquired a second class of fire resistance.

A couple of days after the cat, the robot refused to work, saying that it was poured in bad paints. So we learned that malaries are throwing morils.

At the forum, we were advised to draw circles on the outlet. To my surprise, it helped. The robot painted the chairs, sometimes inspected the outlet, sadly (as everyone seemed) breathed and continued to work.

There was a case when the robot poured almost a speck of paint on the floor and this shortened the extender. This almost killed the crapper.

Finally, he filmed the director hurling at the carpenter’s workplace and kissing a fire-resistant cat alone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna