— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The famous German pathologist Rudolf Virchow was once asked what is the difference between the professions of a doctor and a lawyer. He immediately replied, “Doctors have less income. In fact, lawyers receive honorary, both from the living and from the dead, and doctors only from the living.

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The Exam - 1

One day, at the exam, Virchow asked the student to list various funds. He began to list various means, but Virchow was all dissatisfied with the answers, arguing that all this may not help. Then the student burned:

“In that case, Mr. Professor, I have only one thing left: send the patient to you for an examination.”

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The Exam – 2

Virchow asked the student what to do with acute pain in the kidneys. He responded quickly:

“First of all, to relieve the pain, I would give him morphine.”

Virchow replied to him: “Excellent! What is the dose?”

The student said, “Polgram...”

Virchow continued, “And what will you do with the corpse?”

P.S. By the way, the favorite question of our rector at the pharmacology exams.

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The Exam - 3

Virchow loved to ask unexpected questions at exams. One student asked:

“Where am I going to get if I open this place with a knife?” – is

He touched the student’s chest. He calmly replied:

“In jail, Sir Professor.”

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The Exam - 4

One of the students, Virchov asked, "What would you do if you were addressed with a twisted jaw?"

He thought a little and replied, "Sometimes a good result gives an unexpected and strong blow to the twisted jaw."

Virchow continued, “And what are you going to do next?”

The student replied, “Then I’ll move a little away so I don’t get a response.”

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One day a young man came to Virchov who wanted to be his assistant:

“Mr Professor! I’ve been told you’re a rough jerk, but I’m so interested in your research that I’m ready to be a little bit of a jerk next to that jerk!”

Virchow cried, and then said, "Your words testify to the great courage that is needed in our profession. I will take you as a helper.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna