— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and Taxi.

Take the girl young today. He sits in front of the smartphone. We stop at the light. A very beautiful girl, twenty years old, crosses the road with just a charming poppy. Short stretching shorts... All the male drivers accompanied this Empress of Pops with their eyes. The ass is right. They rarely meet. The perfect ass without a single defect.

My passenger makes a comment:

- A young man, so unceremoniously watch over the girls - мовеton. It is very low and not respectful. You insult this girl. This is pure water sexism.

In general, she read me in full.

And you know, I was so ashamed... Actually, we are watching like a prey. Not very beautiful. Women are first and foremost individuals. And they need to be appreciated for the mind and actions. And I apologized.

And when my passenger came out, I understood why. She has no ass. at all. The level. The board. I even felt that she was a little stunned. I did not watch. It is not decent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna