— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was 9-10 years old (end of the 90s, early 00). At that time there was a super popular group “scooter”. I liked their song "How much is the fish", and then I watched the video on TV.

Disaster Scooter, Childhood, Trying to Escape

My childhood heart loved Eich P. Baxter entirely. I immediately bought their cassette (the CD was not yet available) and listened to it to the hole, dreaming of a beautiful prince.

Here Papa brings a magazine of 7 days and there is just a huge article on 3 sheets with the main soloist and a lot of photos. I kissed these photos one evening and here on the radio host tells how a girl from Russia stuck home to a member of the group “five” (whose eyelid in the eyebrows was) and he let her in and drank her tea. Here, in my child’s brain, a plan immediately matures. Since we lived in the Moscow region, I planned to get by electric train to the Moscow Station, and there to take a train to Germany. Then someone would help me get to Eich P. Baxter’s house and he would open the door and marry me.

In the school dining room I liked sweet popcorn and I ordered my sister to buy me 4 packs (as I remember now, I took 16 rubles from my soul and left myself 50 rubles on the way to Germany). Why I didn’t buy it, I don’t remember. In the evening, I put 4 packs of sweet popcorn and 2 bananas in a huge old wallet. The next day, after school, I ate tightly, wore the best sporting suit, a white shirt (it was a warm September) and tied 2 tails with straps. And here I stand in front of the exit, look at myself in the mirror and imagine how upset Mom and Dad will be. My grandmother and sister will cry. They will look for me, and I will be so far away. In general, I was so angry with compassion and love for myself that I broke up and went nowhere. Soon my mother came from work and I told her that I couldn’t get to school, and I was crying. And she looked at the photo of Eich P. Baxter, cried and ate her supplies to escape.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna