— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I had three stories in my life, after which I stopped giving people money on the street.

1st The Favourite

We went with a friend to the KFC as schoolchildren, picked up food and already departed from the box office, as a bombardment came to us and asked for money for potatoes. The friend complained and gave, the boy recounted the little things and asked, "What, you don't give money for cheese? “” To what a friend quite reasonably said something like, “Are you not an officer? “”

Bohm turned in the direction of the exit with the words "I don't eat without cheese potatoes" and left. The whole line and the cashiers.

2nd Get a ticket home.

The classic now divorce with a suitcase, but then seemed to be a novelty, gave a guy 200p for food and offered to transfer to relatives or friends money on the card so that we could take them off at the ATM, which he replied: "No, I don't want to stress anyone, and so norm, they feed for free, the money is given, and friends will then have to give."

Three I want to eat that the tubes burn.

The bombardment came and begged tears to give money, because he died of hunger. I went to the nearest dining room with him, he was not allowed inside, said he would wait, in the end I bought soup, cabbage, something else. I go out and he is not. It became so rough that he threw food straight into the urn. He returned to the stop, and he is already dull.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna