— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was a child, I was very curious and curious, and my dad often connected me to some kind of housework, bribing me with phrases: “Do you want me to show you?” “Have you ever seen how...” and etc.

Here, for example, from what I remember – you need to clean up in the yard, he approaches and asks, “Have you ever seen the water evaporate in the sun? No is? Let’s go and show you!”

We go out, the dad with zig-zag movements waters the courtyard from the pipe and says that you need to wait just a few minutes and everything will dry.

“Let’s go,” he proposes, “as long as we wait, let’s go? You’re on the right side of the target, and I’ll take the left side, and we’ll see who gets cleaner.”

I’m fascinated by mocking, trying not to miss a single puddle, so that it’s not worse than my dad, and when we finish, he says, “Look, you see it and the water has evaporated.” I look around the really dry yard and at the level of magic I perceive the absence of traces of irrigation.

Or the dad approaches us with his sister and asks, "Did you see my mom brushing the mushrooms with her toothbrushes?" We respond negatively. A couple of moments and phrases, like, “no-ka, let’s see, and you’ll do the same? "And behold, we are standing before a huge mountain on the table, and we have three clean mushrooms, each in its own bowl of water.

Or: “Would you like me to show you how long the roots of the weeds are? And then, “Oh, you look at what, oh! “And a little later, ‘Let’s go, I’m knocking them out, and you put them out there together,’ and again, ‘Oh! Look at what an unusual color! “” And I am curious, I am fun, and what is busy with homework, I do not notice.

Already as an adult, I admitted that at 10 years old, I bite this clever move, laughed, remembered.

How many years have passed, and my daddy and my 20-year-old sometimes said to me with a smile: "Have you ever seen a daughter running to the store for a quinoa for daddy, fast-paced so? I said, “I’ve seen, I’ll show you now! I went to the store with pleasure and nostalgia for childhood.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna