— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Take my son to kindergarten. On the way I pick up a neighbor with a child (our children go to one group), and another neighbor. Explanation: they are not husband and wife, just neighbors.

Let us communicate. She calls her neighbor “Uncle Cole” and “you” all the time, although they’ve known each other for more than a year. I asked her why she called him uncle.

-And how do I treat him?We have a big age difference. I am 28 years old, he is probably over forty. His daughter has almost finished school.

-43 -I will clarify.

- Well you see, 15 years of difference.

-Why then don’t you call me “Uncle Vitya”?

- Why Uncle Viti?

-Because I’m six months older than Uncle Cole.

did not believe. I had to show my passport.

Now I’m “Uncle Vichy,” really “you.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna