— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A new employee came to us for a trial period. One day he came with a suitcase. When the backpack was left unattended, the local men threw a tool into it, so that the new extra weight was worn, such as humor. The newcomer noticed nothing and went home with the tool, and in the morning called and said that the job is not suitable for him and he will not come again.

After some time discovered the lack of the tool, the boss gathered everyone and began to ask who saw what. The joke speaks in one voice.

This is a new robbery! We have seen!

Did you see and not stop? So it’s your puddle and you’ll buy a new tool.

“No, you misunderstood,” one of the jokers joked, “we just wanted to joke and threw him the tool, and he had to return it in the morning.

You guys, you are bats! I don’t care, but tomorrow you have to bring the tool!

The jokers began to run to find out the number of the newcomer, his address, tried to contact. I don’t know if they managed to contact or not, but in the end, the jokers bought a new tool.

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