— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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"If a mathematical statement is true at n = 1, and from its fairness at n = k follows its fairness at n = k + 1, then this statement is true at any n."
I remembered my own:
A year somewhere in 1989, I vote on the road, "PAZIK" stops, in the bus there are three aunts with theodolites on their three legs (such geodesic devices).
I sit behind them, the bus is touched, one of the aunts asks the others, "Tomorrow certification, don't you remember how the second creed of the theodolite sounds?"
Those press on their shoulders - say no, we don't know, and I say loudly on the machine: "The eccentricity of the alidad circle should not exceed the double difference on the winner."
I had to see those four pairs of eyes along with the drivers who stood on me, driving almost off the road.
It was the only beliberda in my head that remained from technoculov geodesy a decade ago.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna