— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We, like any other municipal organization, are subject to the administration of the city. Recently, there was a comic incident, which in principle wants to cry. I get a call to include an error check in Word. I look at this as a little knowledgeable and see nothing, the check is enabled, the document is virginly clean without a single red emphasis. I can tell you that she has 5+. But the principal does not give up and complains that the document was returned from the administration, the economic department found a lot of spelling errors there! And after talking to them on the phone, I just killed...

"See in the text - "Costs for PREVENTIVE MEASURES", you everywhere in the document is written with an error! What is this word Pre-VEN-TIV-NE? (They were asked by the readers.

There is a word in Russian: PRIMITIVE! Correct it and send it!”

Then it became so offensive. They sit there “up” and govern us.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna