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The Lost Keys

4 years ago. and September.
“Nadia, I beat someone else’s child – a bell in the middle of the night, a interrupting voice. Sleep as never happened.
My longtime friend called, the "fighting" about which I already wrote.
Telephone and Internet friendship now. But still though. I will call her Xena. She lives in Poltava, in the area on the mountain called Monastery.]
This cannot be! Don’t worry, I’m trying to reassure you.
*** by
After a hard day of work, with bags and a 10-year-old daughter who walked all the way, not wanting to go to the mountain, tired Xena got home with the only thought - to rest.
The stove and the house were unlocked (somebody was at home), so she did not immediately notice the loss of the ligament from a pair of keys.
But they had recently been in a suitcase on the way home! I seemed to have gone somewhere along the road. It’s dark, I have to go look for it.
The monastery mountain is almost ringed by a railway, built before 1917. Trains on it are not so fast; on this section, the usual - 40, and express - 60 km / h.
Xena and her daughter have already reached the railway, but the keys have not yet been found. There were no people, only a lonely miniature teenage girl, rushing forward. They crossed it and crossed the iron. I heard a train approaching. Ordinary and not quick.
What caused Xena to look around?
of something.
The girl they had overtaken was standing on the rails. And the train already seemed... She ran to her, crashed, pulled away. But the girl, although small, but strong, proved and did not change her intentions. He was on the rails again. Xena again rushed her from there, and the train had already blinked by, but the girl did not give up attempts to account for her life, rushing under the wheels again and again. It looked like a fight; Ksenna had already grabbed her fist, and broke her clothes, and scratched her hands in an attempt to hold back. The girl was crying, screaming something.
He kept, leaving a blue on his hand.
Having found out where she lived, they took her home.
And at home the girl had a daily celebration! In the very height. Fun, vodka, companions... Who is there mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, Xena did not find out. The neighbor came, explained the situation, took the girl to her - she often stayed with her.
Returning home, Xena somehow put her daughter sleeping from the slightest noise.
(The girl cried a few days after seeing it.)
She called me, she told me.
I was shocked and could not think of anything else:
Have you never found the keys?
I found. In the jeans, in the back pocket.
What if I wasn’t lost?
A fifteen-year-old girl would simply not exist.
In the morning, she went to the administration of the college where the girl was studying.
A few days later, she was given a room in the dormitory. Xena for four years unnoticed for the girl was interested in her life.
She appealed to the social service, but advised "not to deprive the child of the parents".
He was aware of her success in school. The girl did not want to contact her. Teachers also participated in the fate of the girl.
From some indirect phrase I understood that I also helped materially.
This girl recently got married and left.
Her parents still have no idea what happened to their child. They have the same holidays almost every day.
Xena says she doesn’t like other people’s children. And I believe that this is the highest manifestation of love, effective love, agape.
I asked her carefully about this difficult event. Not much extended.
I consider her a heroine. She does not agree. She’s still ashamed of that stuff.
“Everyone would have done so. And I, on the contrary, could have fallen into a stupor when I saw the blood,” she said. Only a few people know about this case. Now is you.
At first, she said the phrase "beaten a strange child."
To whom is this child a stranger?

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