— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was long ago. I have a girl I know (let’s call her Oksana), who at the age of 15 had an angina. Angina complicated the ligaments.

A rough, drunken and smoked male voice from the mouths of a girl with an angelish appearance seriously complicated Khushina's personal life. For a long time, the school and the institute were left behind, the working days went by, and the prince on the white horse was not. Well, what a prince, Oksana was already slowly, but correctly approached the line "let drink, smoke, scary, but at least a set of limbs in the set."

The guys at least lost in the first conversation with her. Some, when trying to get acquainted on the street rounded their eyes of horror and urgently withdrew. But if the acquaintance lasted more than one evening, then the slim figure, beautiful face and excellent sense of humor outweighed the sensations of talking to the old bosman. And when it came to sex, another (submarine stone) rock mass popped up.

Oksana stood during sex and sooner or later started screaming. I could not hold it back. And when the gentle female body in your arms begins to scream with the voice of Gigurda, then 90% of the men instantly lost all sexual attraction and no longer communicated with Xusha. The remaining 10% were usually too drunk to understand anything, but the next time in a more condemned state joined the majority.
And Khushka wanted a normal family, children and, what to hide, regular sex. Closing the mouth with a palm, a pillow compressed with teeth, and even a clap purchased in a sex shop - the situation was not corrected. Years went by, Oksane was already thirty - a successful career, a large apartment, a expensive SUV and a favorite basset hound did not bring her complete happiness. From despair she began to look more and more at the bottom of the red dry bottle.

I don’t know how it would end if it wasn’t a lucky coincidence. Oksana met her happiness at the service, where she served the car. Artem worked as an auto mechanic, was shouldered and strained, but from birth he was hearing impaired. Even with hearing aids, he asked the interlocutor to speak louder, and he needed to see people’s lips to fully understand what it was about.

The couple now has three children, and in mid-January they will celebrate their 20th anniversary of marriage.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna