— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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By education I am an engineer. I know that any phenomenon can be explained without resorting to the help of supernatural forces. I do not believe in hell. But some phenomena can put you in an impasse.
My mother lived a long life, went to a different world at the age of 97. She lived in Israel with my brother. One day I dream. My mother approaches me, young as a child, and says she came to say goodbye, she leaves. I was not surprised that my mom was so young and that she was in Los Angeles. I just asked:
You are where?
to Dad.
So Dad died.
I know.
Then my mother told me a lot of warm words, begged me not to be upset, and left. When I woke up, I said to my wife:
Mother is dead.
Did they call you from Israel?
No, but I know it.
I called in half an hour. I have always been very close to my mother. As a child, as an adult, and when my mother was very old. I always felt connected, regardless of distance. I do not believe in afterlife. I still feel the connection with my mother. I know that she helps me in difficult moments, in solving difficult questions, I advise, and I get an answer. To date, the mechanism of this phenomenon cannot be explained, but the fact that there is a connection between mother and son, between twins, is a fact.
P.S Interestingly, such a connection exists also between spouses who have lived together for a long time. I like to go to the mountains. I put a lot of weight on myself. One day, on a very hot day, I lost consciousness. Probably solar or heat shock. I woke up from a phone call. My wife called and asked if I was okay. I explained the situation, the wife called the son, he came and helped go home. Neither before nor after my wife called me when I went to the mountains. I asked why this phone call. The wife said that she felt a strong alarm, everything came out of her hands. One day scientists will be able to explain this phenomenon.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna