— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One of his colleagues remembered his youthful years after a couple of drinks at the corporate.
I didn’t like to go to school and I studied very badly. Mom said she was ready to work with me, to drive to instructors, only if I started studying well. My father didn’t say anything, but took me the next day to work at the mine, where I had to run almost like an adult. At the end of the shift, he brought me almost insensitive to the dressing room, tired down to the store and with father's warmth said, "Look, son, how healthy here and you will be here all your life to work, as I do, if, of course, you will not be studying well."
I never had a teacher in my life, my mother never helped me with my studies, my parents didn’t even check if I did my homework.
But my portrait, with a gold medal on my neck, hangs next to the teacher’s, as a man who has shown the best performance in all the time of school existence.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna