— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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As a student I met a girl (D). The relationship that began at school lasted a long time, about four years. On one holiday, Mademoiselle asked to buy her a new cell phone. The choice fell on the newly released touch Nokia at the time, I don’t remember which model. And the most important instruction was given - the assembly of this device should be anywhere, but not in China!

I went, bought and gave. There was no limit to joy, but it was relatively not long... In the evening there is a call:

D: You are of course a great guy and thank you, but... I asked for a phone that would not be assembled in China!

I am am...

It is worth adding that I first read the box from under the smartphone and there was no word about the Chinese assembly. It doesn’t matter, but I was asked...

What if it breaks down in a week? ! to It will be, I am sure! There are so many reviews on the internet!

I: And why did you think it was collected in China?

D: Well, it is written on the box - Hungary!

I am Ii? ... →

D: What is “Ii”? ! to Is that ‘Ivy’? ! to You bought me a phone from a Chinese mosquito!

In tears, he dropped the bell.

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