— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Grandfather once told a story. It was a few years ago. At the time, he was just released from the hospital. I told with a smile. He was sent to the hospital, to the therapy department. He went to bed on Monday to have time for a test in a week. Since there was no room, he was placed in the corridor. The day lies, the second lies, no one approaches him. And on Thursday, a doctor runs through the corridor past him with a stack of history of illness, and brakes sharply. My grandfather asks, “Who are you with us?” He calls the name. The doctor is happy: here you are where we are, or I have lost you!

My grandfather took it with humor. The truth added that it was a pity that a few days spent in the hospital were wasted.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna