— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I waited today at the children’s clinic until the child’s X-rays were taken. Mother and son were sitting next door. The boy is not to be stuck, but his eyes are confused, like the eyes of a bad cat. His mother taught him before swimming competitions. At first, he spoke quietly. About the fact that it is not necessary to lay out on the heating, it is better to repeat the turn from the back to the brace.

And then suddenly:

“Who is your main enemy? and!! Who is? Answer, who is your main enemy?

The boy blows, “Who, who is my chief...”

Mother: I am afraid! Fear is your biggest enemy! What do you need to overcome fear?”

The boy: “It’s necessary...”

Mother: You have to be confident in yourself. Are you sure of yourself? Tell me, are you confident in yourself?”

Here the radiologist came out and called me to the office, so I did not hear the answer. I think my pants were wet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna