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Another case in the work of a venereologist. I would call it strange.

There was a constant “client” in the doctor’s office. A young man aged 35 goes to the doctor stably once a month or two. Married, he denies any contacts, refuses extended tests for PPI, only gives sperm for one type of bacteria (every time different).

Ask why he so often passes tests that do not give an expanded picture of the disease?

The answer - he gets pleasure from the way he passes the analysis. Take it home in the morning and bring it - refuses, requires taking it not in the toilet for patients, but directly in the doctor's office. One time I went to the doctor asking, "Can you look? Suddenly I’m doing something wrong.”

by Mr. In an institution, the doctor is obliged to take it, understanding that another doctor should already work here (think a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist). Otherwise, complaint, fine and excuse.

I have another question, “Is he sick?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna