— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My father’s brother came to me for a week or two.

in the form of Major. My brother and I were small at the time.

What surprised us was that he did not break up with his diplomat for a moment. Like in a postman’s cartoon.

The package had it. I took him to the toilet and the bathroom with me.

And as for breakfast, when everyone was sitting at the same table, I asked what he wanted his diplomat. His mother replied that there were secret military documents and he could not leave them unattended.

- But not, brother interrupted me, just uncle Misha came to buy on DV foreign trade, I heard his conversation on the phone. And the diplomat obviously has money and he is very afraid that we will steal it, because he does not let it out of his hands.

And he didn’t go to the hotel because it was expensive and we got it for free.

Everyone at the table was red of shame except me and my brother.

On the evening, Uncle Misha was already in the hotel.

Well, it is probably worth adding that a relative even came without a ball with spices to the other end of the country.

He ate and drank for three.

No one bothered us, everyone just breathed up.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna