— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The worst of them was a colleague at work. He lived quietly in his one-room apartment. He was long in a divorce, had two adult children, he was 50 years old and then sparked a passion for a lady one year older than him (! ) is Not 20 years old, not 30 years old, not 40 years old. Then they have a natural wedding, everything as appropriate + wedding in the church. In addition to his two daughters, he already has a granddaughter.

Further events developed in the following way: the "young" persuades him to sell the house, and on the money received in her fucking twin to make a euro repair. He sells the house and makes a repair for 1 euro. Then she persuades him to take a loan to buy her daughter an apartment. A colleague is given 800 tires, he adds all his savings and buys a house for his daughter.

The corresponding end of the story. After a couple of years of life together, they went crazy and the "young" gives him a pencil under the scarf. As a result: no apartment, no money, throwing the bank 800 tir +%

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna