— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A wonderful story about how to work with the gentleman. and organs. A few years ago, one company decided to make several additional shopping points in the city. But since it was associated with a large official haircut, they decided to take a special person. He posted an advertisement in the newspaper about the vacancy and waited. For a long time no one went, because the salary was promised poor. And suddenly! There is a real “fool” (there is such a disease). The director grabbed his head at first, he said to the guard, “You, my brother, who are you letting go?” And then, well, post Vasya, you have a paper for the test, try it in San. Inspection to break. He returned in about an hour with a signature paper. As it turned out later, he did not follow any rows. He came to the inspection and - immediately into the office without any turn. The people were not even upset, but were eagerly waiting for what would happen. First a shock, then a scandal. Debbie monotonously said the same phrase: "Chef, sign, or I will not be given money, and I want to eat..." and began to shake the back of the chair... Then he was all signed, and he pleased to go under the triumphant views of visitors...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna