— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today I will tell you how I met the first nest in my life.

A story about kindergarten, many physiological details.

Larisa Tychovna was a babysitter in my group and sometimes beat me with a folded jump. In general, she didn’t touch me very often, I was quite a quiet obedient child, more often the boys stood barefoot on the cold floor in the toilet during the quiet hour, well, or the girls were fed with a bowl of soup so that they blew in plates, and they were then fed again with the same. Ordinary kindergarten.

Definitely now they will write to me that you did not say anything to anyone, I would... Well, how would we think that everything is okay, we were brought to the kindergarten of mom and dad, and they know exactly how and what to do. So it's right that Tychovna periodically squeezes someone in a beet salad, gently squeezes a dishwasher on his face, or promises to all to remove the cowards from the child.

Once Larisa Tychovna became seriously angry and took off the cowards in front of everyone from some little insomnia.

The episode struck me and I told my mom everything. Mom cautiously asked me about Tivovna and cried, in the evening Dad promised to put the heart of the babysitter in our living room on the carpet.

The next day we went to the head, she told us that this was the first complaint, promised to resolve soon and sent me to the group.

Further, I remember only that I was not allowed to go to the toilet, for some reason, it was important for me to get rid of it, and better to get rid of it. She whispered to the children not to play with "this snake", but they seemed to play anyway, I don't remember the discomfort about this, but sometimes I wanted to suck desperately. The number of insults increased, but the handwriting stopped.

I don’t know how long this would last, but the case helped.

One day my dad came to me and found that five children were sitting in a group and playing, and there was no teacher or babysitter. He dressed me and took me home.

At home, he told his mother the situation, that he was completely offhelied, the children were left alone. My mother ran to the garden.

She went into the group with the parents of another boy and asked loudly:

So, where is my child?

Panic began, the educator and Tychovna ran down the stairs, then the nurse and the head run with them. Called the militia.

The police arrived, guessed to call us home, the child was "found", but a report was sent to the Reno.

Rono began the inspection, other children were questioned, a lot of shit came out, and with this muddy stream the headmaster, educator and Larisa Tychovna was forever wiped out of my life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna