— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Did you get the gifts you dreamed of as a child? I was given. I was almost broken from happiness. It was an old bicycle. He was presented by his neighbor's grandmother Shura. She was not interested in it, the children have grown up long ago, and grandchildren too. And I didn’t care that the bicycle had curved pedals and a torn seat. Now I had something to ride. And she didn’t need to ask her girlfriend to ride her new bicycle because her grandmother didn’t allow her. I was in the 7th sky of happiness! I’ve been rotating pedals all day. I remembered it because there was a case at work. A woman came to the store. He said, “I want to give a bicycle to a friend. He comes from a poor family, they can’t afford to buy. He very much wants. All his friends ride, and he runs after them. It is sorry for him.” Choose for every taste and wallet. I chose carefully. A woman stopped on the 28 Stells, such, you know, looks like the donkeys were before. and simple. Without injury. She paid for the purchase, and asked us to leave the gift at our store, and let the gifted person come and take it. have agreed. A few days later we came for a bicycle. Mother and son. A guy looking 13-14 years old. and sharp. and satisfying. He smiles widely. Bring it to the gift, say, here you get it! And when he saw a two-wheeled one, he broke over. The smile changed to disgust. Fu, I don’t need that. I want that kind of thing." - pointed to the "cool" big with speeds for a round amount. Her mother ran and said, “Let’s take the money. He doesn’t want to be so big anyway.” We and colleagues looked around, went to call the woman, the one who bought the bike, and asked to come for their money, because. Rejected the gift. She was very sad. She wanted to please the boy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna