— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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She told the story of a colleague after a vacation in Samarkand to relatives (she and her husband are Russian). by her words.

Her husband went, let’s call him Ivan, to the market for watermelon, he was immediately warned that it was not possible to take the price offered by the seller because they are accepted to trade and the price can be cut down at the proper scale almost twice. At the same time, he has to say that he is local from another city otherwise the price will break.

He went to a barbecue store. The seller said that watermelons cost 17 p (a colleague for our convenience said all prices in rubles).

Ivan was very surprised that watermelons in Uzbekistan are more expensive than in Russia (we now have about 9-12 p / kg). A funny trade began. We agreed for 10 r.

But when Ivan offered the seller to weigh the watermelon, something happened.

In general, it turned out that watermelons in Uzbekistan are sold in pieces and the price was for watermelon. And Ivan thought that the price was per kg.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna