— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In December 2017, we were passing through Qatar on the MSC ship. After going out into the city, we went to some shopping center, found a man there who was ready to drive us in his car and went. This private man took us to our business, we bought a small wheelchair broken the day before, then he drove us down the city center. Then we asked to take us to McDack, which was on the main track and then planned to let it go, the ship was five kilometers away, we planned to take them a walk along the shore and play at the playground that we noticed at the port.

Stopped at McDack, I and the child went inside, and Max stayed, with a disturbing look of the video, he noticed that police on both sides of the road blocked traffic, forced to park unparked cars, that is, cleaning the road for something. Five minutes later, a cortex of three red jeeps went through the road, Max made a three-second video, a police officer approached him, carefully and unexpectedly took the camera from his hands and said something to the rack.

When I thought to go out, there was already full of different kinds of people, first came the police in white cars, then in black, all of them carefully viewed the three-second recording on the camera, joked and somewhere called. The situation was complicated by the fact that our passports were on the ship at the reception, we had only a photo of the passport, and on the number of the passport the visa of Qatar (and at the time it was needed) did not fight, we simply did not have it, we left the ship on a visa concession, about which neither the road police (?) Even those in white dresses had no idea.

Minute after forty it became clear that the husband was taken away, at the same time wanted to pack and our taxi driver, but I asked not to do so, because without him I will not be able to bring them the original passport, because I just don't understand where to go. The cops agreed that this was reasonable, took the taxi driver's documents, put them in my husband's car and went in an unknown direction.

My taxi driver and I jumped onto the boat, which instantly got up on our ears, as soon as I appeared at the reception with a three-year-old child in front of me and with the words, "Give our passports, my husband took the police," there was a feeling that dozens of people ran at the same time, dozens of phones ringed, I repeated my short story to new and new people and feared only that while I was talking here, the taxi driver would drop somewhere and we would not know where my husband is.

As a result, I was assigned a man, he was given our passports, a taxi driver (senx gad) was waiting for us in the car and we went.

For the next five hours, I felt like an eastern woman, because I and my little one were just transported as a cargo, on the road, a issued man broke our passports through the bases, found out the lack of a visa and also began to call somewhere.

In the first police station we were told to go to the second, in the second to the third, then another car joined us and they began to walk in three, by the end of the second hour came a guy who spoke Russian, he first spoke to me, said that everything is decided at the level of the consul, everything will be fine. In the end, we went to two other places. In the latter, none of us were allowed except the uncle who came specifically, he didn’t talk to me, I don’t know who it was. 15 minutes later he went out, said something to a Russian-speaking man and left. He rejoiced, told me that it was a hat, now I will be taken to the port, and Max will come in an hour.

Then Geneva and I sat in the harbour and waited for Max, the harbor workers were bothering around me, they were all the time calling someone, we already loaded everyone onto the ship, which because of us had to be delayed for an hour, and I sat and thought that in front of the payment with the taxi driver, who did not depart from me for a step, and who knows how much will cost our six-hour journey through Qatar in addition to those 20 euros that we have already paid him, then remembered that somewhere they wrote that if because of you the ship is delayed, it is also a fine, and the camera, most likely, was taken away, in short, they had taken a trip, they would not have to sell the apartment.

As a result, it was like a movie, the night, the red Toyota Jeep comes in with flashes, Max comes out, the three-year-old Zhenya shouts "Daddy" rushes to him on the neck, port workers applaud.

A five-minute swing of people is formed around us, everyone kicks Max on his shoulder, holds his hand, wishes us good luck, I see a Russian-speaking guy on the edge of the eye who approaches the taxi driver, gets his wallet and asks, "How much do they owe you?" “Well,” the taxi driver replied, “they’ve been with me since the morning,” I stopped listening.

We boarded the ship and left the hospitable Qatar, and in the morning for breakfast I heard a conversation at the neighboring table, two Germans discussed that yesterday some Russian terrorist was removed from the ship, which was perfectly legitimate, but he was still calculated, despite his wife and child, so the ship was delayed.

A terribly long post, but a few more sentences on the case: we were told that we were very lucky that there was no king or ladies from the royal family in the cars, but only the prime minister, otherwise the matter would be much more complicated and we would have to sit down.

The camera was given, the memory card was formatted and also given. There was no penalty for delaying the ship.

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