— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was exactly a year ago. and autumn. Behind the window it was raining, I was comfortably drinking a cup of tea watching Mr. Robot suddenly cut off the internet. The second number, which means that for the new month no one remembered to pay, although the provider gives 1.5 days of the next month to pay. Lenely gathering I went to the ATM, the nearest was a kilometer away, but what to do, not without the internet to sit and the rain passed. I go and see a girl of my age, sad, with a cap. Well, I saw and went on, paid, came home, and she doesn't come out of my head, too much of something caught me in her.

The next day, after the universe, along the same road, I saw her again. On her ranch hanged a notebook operating machine. It was a surprise for me, I myself it-shnik with weirdnesses and adore such tricks, but decide to approach even after this I cracked and went on.

I am a person by nature too introverted to approach and talk, and if I approached, I would shake the burda and burst everything.

A plan was needed, notes came to mind, searches for people who knew her, at least something. But one thing I found out by asking friends, I knew her supposed name, home and entrance where she was seen.

In the end, I decided to do something about computers.

In one episode of Mr. Robot, Darlene scattered flashes with a virus to penetrate the company’s network. I didn’t want to break anything, and I lacked knowledge.

The decision was made: to create a site that was located on a second computer, where a group of computer enthusiasts were allegedly looking for similar, capable people, and the link to enter there led to my telegram account.

The site was horribly simple. I am not strong at all on the web, and then even more.

It was late Sunday evening, I finished making the site, now I had to think about how to get her there. Well, I didn’t come up with anything but the qr code, but here’s the trouble, so to say, the printing stores on Sunday closed earlier or didn’t work at all. It would seem that everything was ready, a lot of time and nerves were spent. Nothing more stubborn than drawing a QR code, I didn’t come up with.

Surprisingly, he was recognized quickly.

That same evening, I glued him on the front door of her house and went home to sleep.

The next day, I first naturally checked the telegram and server logs, but it was too early to do so. On the road, on the road and in the universe, I was nervously waiting for an answer, updating the server logs, it seemed that everything was in vain.

The couple ended, 2 o’clock in the day, I went home thinking that I would go through her house now and check the leaflet, suddenly it was broken.

I am in the subway, suddenly we begin to travel through an open terrain and I hear the sound of a notification. “Hello” on Lockscreen. Convulsively, while there was still a signal I started looking at her account, there was no limit to joy. I walked very quickly from station to house, expecting what our dialogue would be like, because writing on the road is like writing to myself.

As a result, we found a bunch of common topics for conversations, reasoning, there was not even an insult that the "team of enthusiasts" never existed.

In the evening we met with her in the courtyard, walked, talked until late, and the next day we went together to the universe. It turned out that she was 3 stops further and she came out earlier than I was, so I never saw her on the road, and back she was driving on a different route with a friend. Now every day, morning, a little day and evening we spent together. Soon, this friendship grew and today is the first anniversary of our relationship. I’m crazy, I’m lucky and I want to wish you the same.

All of Love!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna