— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In 1985, cosmonauts Janibekov and Savinov reanimated the deforested orbital station "Saliut-7". This flight is considered to be the most difficult flight in the history of space. The power supply of the station was disrupted, it did not communicate. For repair were sent Janibekov and Savinov on the ship "Soyuz T-13". They went off and took up repairs. The repair was about as follows: some block was removed, checked by the tester, normal returned to place, faulty were replaced. And here, after replacing the next block, Janibekov clearly heard a calm voice behind his back: "Good, daddy!". His first thought was, “All, dog, goodbye, cosmonautics – my roof has gone.” Then I noticed that Savian's nose was white too. This was a bit reassuring - they could not go to the two roofs at once. I turned around (who else could be there besides them?) They started hysterically.
The previous crew left a cassette with the "White Sun of the Desert" in a video magnetophone. While the station was destroyed, the visitor slept, and as he asked, he woke up. Just in the same place when the Red Army Sukhov approaches the axacals. A quiet panic began in the CUP when there was heard the hysterical whisper of the astronauts, and they could not clearly report the situation for a long time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna