— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Now be afraid on the roads of drivers in pursuit. They won’t have anything to do with you!”! to
I think it’s time to take the villas and go out. Let people know in what country we live!
Let me add: I am standing on the road in a traffic jams, at some point of movement in sight, an opposite lane opens up, along which one pedras in the hanging of the stars decided to circumvent this same traffic jams. Naturally, he rode her right in the car of some poor girl. The girl's car in front of it - squeezed, so that no longer pump - only to the garbage. Thank goodness she was not injured. And this homicide, yes, a little bit of the jeep mourned.
I found nothing about this incident anywhere. Obviously, the dolce was melted, the blame was thrown on the unhappy girl and they sat rejoicing.
Be afraid of menta - even if they get into your mouth at the meeting and kill you on the ground - they will NOT HAVE Nothing!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna