— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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As far as I remember, I have always had many friends in the courtyard, in school, later in school, in the army, and much later in adulthood. But the trouble happened at the age of 28, in 2000 he suffered a trauma to the spine (cervical department) and remained almost completely paralyzed. Five years after I got injured, my friends came to visit me. Meeted them always well, parents knew not only friends but also their wives, children and always treated them well And then gradually people began to "disappear" I never asked them about anything only come. As a result, everyone stopped riding, only Valera remained, he still does not come often twice or three times a month, which helps around the house where male power is needed, or repairs what his mother cannot do. We never ask him to do this and always answer, but he does not listen to us, when he comes, he looks at everything, and if he notices a mess, he removes it. After drinking tea, we communicate for a long time and he leaves, for me his arrival, as a holiday and gives a charge of positive emotions for a long time.I met another person on the Internet four years ago, they communicated a lot, and they made friends, and he knew about me almost everything and I knew nothing about him besides him, and my questions, as his name did not answer, disappointed, and called, on holidays and sometimes without a reason transferred me to the account of five - ten thousand rubles. I congratulated him on giving him his books, a year ago I learned that a man was seriously ill, deadly (cancer) and he had a few days to live. This was written by his wife, for me it was a shock, and from her I learned that his name is Kobetz Valery, a bright memory, I will never forget him. I thought a lot about why suddenly there were almost no friends, maybe I was to blame for doing something wrong or offended with a word, but after a long "growing" in myself I found nothing like that. Only after talking to the same people with disabilities, as I learned that almost everyone has the same story at first thick then empty. I want to appeal to you, dear ones, if you have relatives, relatives, friends in this situation must be and visit them as often as possible, believe (tested on yourself) they live the meeting with you, they need nothing from you, only you do not forget them.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna