— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Remembering the films “The Dark City”, “13th Floor”, well, and, of course, “The Matrix”...

The usual Soviet street thermometer was placed on the brick wall of the place for smoking in our department. It was installed for a long time and now - during smartphones and other gadgets, it was virtually useless. But yet, going out to smoke, every second time approached him and looked at the scale. Just by habit. Just nothing to do.

It was an ordinary day at the end of November, when my colleague and I went to smoke after lunch. I almost immediately "by tradition" did not rush to the thermometer, Kolyan supported the tradition. and further dialogue. (I am kneeling and I am kneeling)

K: Well what does he say?

I am minus twelve. And in terms of feelings, the whole “twentieth.”

Q: I need to make it warmer.

After these words, Kolyan with the expression of the maniac's face got the lighter, brought it under the thermometer and lit it. The red fluid instantly revived and popped up the scale. Literally two seconds later, when the jet crossed the "0" line, the entire wall together with the thermometer suddenly poured out of sunlight. The cloud went away and the sun shone somehow unusually brightly for the end of November. For a moment it seemed like it was hot on the street. The knee removed the lighter, the liquid already lazyly reached the mark "+40", after which, gaining acceleration, headed back - down the scale. And when it crossed the "0" mark and began to fall "below zero", the sun was again hidden by another cloud. The seemingly banal coincidence caused some contradictory emotions and awakened the child’s turbulent fantasy. His voice suddenly interrupted my thinking process.

K: Unfortunately, in real life, no scripts can’t be used.

I: Who said it? Maybe we just don’t know the right programming language? Or is it even easier – we just don’t have enough access rights?

Let me forgive the RPC, but that day this thought did not leave me until the evening.

P.S Health Warns: Smoking Harms Your Wallet!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna