— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I boarded a subway car. I usually drive at the end of the car – I stand next to the small three-seater benches. And the place in the middle is occupied by a small, but very intelligent look of an uncle with a huge cat carrier, which has solid sticks on the sides and on the sides, and in which sits an impressive look of a black and white cat.

And next to them sits a cute girl in a short shirt and a fun jacket.
The cat immediately became interested in the girl, more precisely, her knees (very tempting by the way), and even more precisely the socks that were on the girl's legs, and immediately pulled his leg to them. The girl does not see harassment — she looks to the other side. The cat pulls the leg, pushing out of diligence the tongue, robbing predatory fingers with the nails.

The owner also got distracted. The cat had almost reached, as the girl saw the hairy scarf and so elegantly, female, turned her knees to the other side. The cat pulled his leg and insulted.

A puppy, not a hooligan. You are a educated cat — polently asked his owner and also moved off the cat car.

I will not tell you about all of the punches, but specifically this copy, in addition to education, clearly had a lot of merits. For example, treachery, vengeance, sabotage, hypnosis, guerrilla, theft and business.

Ponchik understood that it would not burn out with the socks, pulled both his legs out of the front wall of the cage and tried to kiss anybody. Everyone prudently retreated. The cat breathed, released an impressive mocked tail from the catch, and revengefully haired the girl's shirt with black and white wool. After this, he stumbled into a huge black and white mocked ball, put out his ears from the top of the cat car and began to gently look at others.

The girl, unexpectedly asking her uncle, “Can you?” grabbed Ponchik in her ears. The cat covered one eye and said nothing.

Through the station, the beast got bored and began to roll in the cage, crushing the cat owner in addition to the catch. At the shy “Ponchik, no stop,” the cat laughed disgustingly and continued to roll around the cage with a stunned “ego-gay.”

Then the girl got the phone. And on the phone was a mess: a hand-wrapped brush of multi-colored threads. The cat lost the gift of speech. And then he found her and struck the sticks with his whole face, so that his nose and eyes swelled even further from the cage.

O O O O O O O O O O!!! The cat said, “I can’t give you this wonder you can’t love it forever!”! to

The MMM? I did not understand the girl at first.

This is magical!! The cat said convincingly. He thought a little and added, “Cats. Aa to?

The girl smiled, pulled off her handcuff from the phone and asked the cat’s owner, “Can you?” He was upset, the drum: “Ponchuk, how are you not ashamed?” but then sneezed.

The cat was delighted, carefully took the brush with his teeth and immediately hid somewhere deeper in the loaded (or overwhelming, like a kangaroo) pocket. Then he hanged his leg from the carrier and stumbled, suppressing the noise of the subway.

So they drove to the end - the girl smoothed the cat's leg and smiled to some of her thoughts. The owner of the cat just smiled and probably thought that it would be good to buy a deaf carrier with a hole for air and on the wheels. And what Ponchik thought nobody knew, because, anyway, he was an educated cat.

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