— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When he moved to the elite, he told me.

In the first week, a neighbor knocks at the door in the evening - help, there the husband of the bomber cannot drive out of the entrance!

Look, at the bottom of the site, a man in a jacket with an umbrella beats off from some unshaken fat man in a jacket and treni.

A friend, a boxer with a brigade past in history, instantly got out of the situation. He flies to the bomzhu and leaves him two - ba-bam like from a stand!

He fell under the whisper of his neighbor:

and Aaa! Are you really stupid? ! to Aaaah!

The man in the jacket also shrugged and, saying “Thank you, brother,” ran down the stairs. The neighbor whispered in full siren, stands, sounds already ultrasound.

The Euphoria Collections! It turned out that the acquaintance stumbled his neighbor from below, and the real bombish escaped! True, at the gates he was still bound by guards and caused ments. And after a long time justified that they missed, he was really stylish such a look.

In general, in front of a neighbor familiar is still uncomfortable, he walks, cuts.

And what here, it would seem, to be offended, became an elite - correspond.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna