— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It all happened in 1998, when I was 6 years old. In August, there was pain in the stomach. Mom, of course, immediately pulled me to the doctors, suspecting appendicitis, but the doctors of ultrasound in the focus do not see it. I remember it all, 20 years have passed. In the middle of the night, I was taken home to the wing. The child surgeon was a relative of family friends. The city is small and there is only one hospital. He sent to a really wonderful ultrasound doctor who immediately saw and said, literally, he was like an adult man was swollen!

Then I remember nothing exactly, an operation like appendicitis broke out while being taken to the hospital. I do not know exactly when it broke out, but peritonitis did not appear disappointingly. Then, a week later, a second operation due to peritonitis. The surgeon then found the contacts of his father. He called, drove, forced to bring medicines, syringes. I remember 98 years. There is no security in hospitals. On the nerves after the second operation while I was lying with drainage tubes, the surgeon broke my leg from nervous itching. I learned this at a more conscious age.

Of course, I remembered the names and the surgeon and the doctor of ultrasound. Especially since during the daily visit the surgeon was kind and very kind. My childhood consciousness remembered him forever.

And then, many years later, when it was time to get a medical certificate for a driver’s license, I read it at the surgeon’s office. Until the murders. I go, standard questions, and I say to him: You saved my life in the 98s. He looked at me, smiled modestly and dropped his eyes into the papers with the same smile "I saved many people's lives."

P.S. Yes, he learned, greeted his mother, asked about life, after retirement he works in a paid department, where mostly certificates are issued.

P. P. S. He also went to the ultrasound doctor, now he works in a children's hospital and he is trusted even by the smallest. And he also recognized me, even removed the record from the archive with my case.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna