— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I lived in a dormitory and met a girl. Here her neighbor came to her boyfriend and her first-time student was settled with her.

We immediately took her into our company and invited her to a common drink. And here, it happened, my girlfriend was going to leave for a while. He approaches me and says:

- Listen, this is a topic, my neighbor flashed on your friend and asks me to hint to him that he likes her. I am ashamed, you can tell him something.

In general, I drink, call my friend and push the next speech.

Do you know Lena?

Well I know.

So she wants you, it all flows...

I do not like her. She’s kind of like herself... In general, a terrible shopper...

It’s scary, but I don’t suggest marrying her. Just touch it and that’s all. Her neighbor has left, the room is free. Everything is in your hands. You understand, here everything is already understood, she herself asked to introduce you, not even to think about it will not give...

Fuck, it’s somewhat fast. On the other hand, the girl is interesting.

He did not touch her then. He called for a walk.

They have two children and an exemplary family.

Every time we meet, she thankes me for helping them get to know closer, and he turns red and turns his eyes away.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna