— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once I met an old acquaintance, a woman under 50. Talked, she began to complain about life: she has a bad relationship with her son-in-law, but he does not complain about her. Well, it happens. What is new, I ask? Yes, she says, to the daughter with her son-in-law came to visit finally, a whole month visited. Imagine a lazy man like that! He works only half a day, then comes home and plays tanks. His salary is good, of course, his car and his apartment. I tell him that you’re at home? Take a taxi! He is just cuddling.

I tell them that repairs need to be done. It is a shame to bring guests into such an apartment. They found a master by acquaintance, discussed everything with him and his daughter. The son-in-law agreed, paid the task to the master. He worked for a week and disappeared, left behind a ruin - the floor of the apartment without electricity, there is no water in the kitchen. I had to look for a new master, but everyone who came the price once and a half above called, like a lot to rework now.

I’m sitting there myself, saying, that’s the same nonsense. And I think about myself: and really, and why was the son-in-law on her, actually?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna