— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the early nineties, when the telecast had one and a half channels, and already rare cartoons were interrupted by the release of news and often not included back. I think many remember this injustice. And here again, having viewed the entire issue and not waiting for the continuation of the cartoon, I split up. The grandmother quickly grabbed the phone and pretended to call the number.

“Alo, the television studio? Why do you interrupt? “She asked. After hearing the answer and putting on the phone, she turned to me and said, “They have no technical capabilities.”

I was absolutely satisfied with this answer and I immediately forgot about the cartoon.

By the way, my grandmother worked in state security all her life, so even as a child I was confident in her authority. This is “no technical capability” I remembered for a lifetime for some reason.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna