— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The relationship of power to people:
They call.
Ivan Ivanovich is? Visit the Pension Fund with a passport.
I come.
Hi, and we have a certificate from ZAGS about your death. It turns out, the senior opera commissioner, together with the pathologist, arranged some bombage according to my data. I call the officer.
You need to come and talk.
Call the head of OP.
I go to a meeting and call again.
He still calls.
I’ll go to court for ZAGS.
After a month, the correspondent is incorrectly indicated.
I offer again.
After a month - the application should be made not in a special, but in a simple order.
I offer again.
Three months and trial.
Certificate from the workplace, certificate from the JEC, copies of all available documents. My wife tells me she has known me for 30 years, and my son tells me he remembers me all his life. Oh wow! I am recognized alive.
Documents have not yet been received. Social security is blocking my travel. I come.
When the decision of the court is in hand, we will unblock it.
I go to the boss and talk.
Either you recognize me alive or call the police, let me be arrested for fake passports.
Write a statement that you are alive.
P.S The lawyer said that the only thing I can count on as compensation – I will be refunded the fee for the court application (300 rubles).) is

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna